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Young Girl Painting

We believe in the power of young people.

Why we need you

Young people have a key role in solving educational inequality.

Empowering young people has long been an important goal of NGOs, and it is a goal Students4Students shares too. However, we have taken it one step further; we don’t just empower young people to make a change we enable them to lead the change. Our member-led organisational structure means the young people who volunteer with us don’t just deliver our tutoring, but they also set our strategy, decide our policies and help shape the very essence of what Students4Students sets out to do. Our young volunteers are our organisation's leaders.​

We have put young people at the heart of what we do because we believe that across the UK there are thousands of young people who share the same vision for a more equal education system that allows all children to succeed. We want to connect those who share this vision and use their passion, their ideas, and their drive to change in their local communities. We believe that young people can be change-makers.

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