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Students for students


Below is a list of engaging resources suitable for helping you with home learning. 



Videos and interactive materials 


Understanding the national curriculum 


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KS2 Maths Channel

Key Stage 2 Maths is a Youtube channel dedicated to explaining maths concepts with easy-to-follow examples, covering the broad range of topics children need to understand, divided by school year to help you find the most appropriate video to help your child.  

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Maths - games 

Maths-games has fun and free online Maths games of children of all ages. A great way to engage your children and help them to enjoy learning! 

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Maths Playground

Maths Playground has free games for primary-aged children covering a huge range of Maths topics, including basic algebra, numbers, fractions, geometry. KS1 – 1st grade. KS2 – 2nd-5th grade. Year 7 – 6th grade.

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Maths is fun

Maths is Fun have a  huge number of resources covering a range of maths topics. Although they are not divided by age or school year, you can select any topic and the site includes explanations and basic introductions, and links to worksheets to help reinforce what your child has learned.


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Blackbrook community school

Blackbrook Community School have a number of online resources for parents looking to support their children's reading and writing.

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Pickatale is a reading and audiobook app for children, that gives you access to 1,700+m stories that your child can read themselves, so is an excellent resource while reaching libraries or access to school reading books is limited. They are currently running a 30 day free trial, after which the service costs £6.99 a month and can be cancelled at any time.

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Roy the zebra

Roy the Zebra has great interactive resources for early readers, included guided reading books and games.

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Literacy zone

Literacy Zone has lots of fun games and worksheets focusing on words and spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing.

Videos & interactive materials

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BBC Teach

BBC Teach has great additional teaching and educational resources for children of all ages on Youtube. They cover core subjects including English, Maths and Science, as well as broader subjects such as Geography, Computer Science, French and Media Studies, all aimed at primary aged pupils.

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Lockdown learning

Lockdown Learning on CBBC. Each week the BBC will release a schedule for their home learning shows available on CBBC for 3 hours every weekday (Cbeebies for KS1). BBC Two will also cater for secondary students with programming to support the GCSE curriculum, including adaptations of Shakespeare plays alongside science, history and factual titles.

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Primary times

There are some great Youtube channels available on the Youtube Kids app that will help to build upon the core curriculum and broaden your children's learning, including Geography, Science and mindfulness.

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Parent zone 

There are some great Youtube channels available on the Youtube Kids app that will help to build upon the core curriculum and broaden your children's learning, including Geography, Science and mindfulness.

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BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize have great online resources for KS1 and KS2 pupils on Maths, English, Georgraphy, including videos and interactive exercises. 

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Crickweb - maths

Crickweb has free online resources for KS1 and KS2 children covering Literacy and Maths, as well as fun games, extra learning and links to other useful websites to help support your child's learning.

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Crickweb - English

Crickweb has free online resources for KS1 and KS2 children covering Literacy and Maths, as well as fun games, extra learning and links to other useful websites to help support your child's learning.

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Topmarks has lots of fun online games for children aged 3-11, covering English and Maths.


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Twinkl has online teaching resources for all primary age groups, focusing in Maths and English but also across a wide range of subjects, including Geography, Science and PSHCE. They have recently added resources for parents for home learning and additional activities to do with children during school closures.

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Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl for Home has a wide range of free e-books and resources for children aged 3-11, produced by the Oxford University Press. Subjects covered include Reading, English and Maths, as well as fun activities for learning at home.

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Teach it

Teachit has a free sign-up option that gives you access to PDF downloads of worksheets and resoruces. Topics cover English, Maths and Science, as well as have targeted resources for SATs that include activities, games and worksheets help your child achieve their potential in their end-of-year tests.

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Scholfield and Sims is an educational publishing company that has made many of their KS1 and KS2 resources free online for parents. Topics include English, Maths, SATs and 11+ and verbal reasoning. They also have Home Study Packs for Years 1-6 that can be bought from their website.

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Primary resources english

Primary Resources have hundreds of teacher-produced worksheets and explanation powerpoints across all primary school subjects. The website is organised by subject then topic, within which worksheets appropriate to your child's age are noted by the number (3, meaning Year 3), or the overall key stage level. –

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Primary resources maths

Primary Resources have hundreds of teacher-produced worksheets and explanation powerpoints across all primary school subjects. The website is organised by subject then topic, within which worksheets appropriate to your child's age are noted by the number (3, meaning Year 3), or the overall key stage level. –

Screenshot 2021-08-19 at 23.18.28.png has a free signup option to give you access to free games, lesson plans and worksheets covering English and Maths topics. Search by age (KS1 – 1st grade. KS2 – 2nd-5th grade. Year 7 – 6th grade) or topic.

Understanding the national curriculum 

Primary Resources have hundreds of teacher-produced worksheets and explanation powerpoints across all primary school subjects. The website is organised by subject then topic, within which worksheets appropriate to your child's age are noted by the number (3, meaning Year 3), or the overall key stage level. –

  • Is Students4Students for me?
    If you are current university student, passionate about education, believe that every child deserves to succeed and can commit to giving up one hour every week for two academic terms to deliver tutoring, plus a little extra time to plan the sessions, then the answer is yes! ​ Don’t worry if you don’t have lots of experience, or any at all; we recruit based upon enthusiasm and cultural fit for the organisation. We believe that tutoring skills can be taught but enthusiasm can’t. Our Recruitment Officers therefore look for individuals who want to make a difference, are clear communicators and are quick learners.
  • Submitting an Application
    Submitting an application is simple and it takes less than 15 minutes to complete; you can do it here. The form is designed so that we can get to know a bit more about you, why you want to volunteer and why you believe you’d be a fantastic tutor. ​ For Q. 11, 12 and 13 we want responses to be written in full sentences and we suggest that you spend some time writing your answers in another document before pasting them into the form. Please check over the whole form for any mistakes before submitting as there won’t be an opportunity to make any corrections. For more information about the application form please read our complete question guide, which can be found in the 'Key documents' of our recruitment portal. Once you have submitted the form it will be sent to the Recruitment Officer for the respective branch and they will then read and process your application. You will be notified via email about the outcome of your application within 5-10 days. However please note that during September/October when we have lots of applicants the response time may be slightly longer. ​ If your application was unsuccessful, you can email the Recruitment Officer for the respective branch and ask for feedback.
  • The Interview
    If your application was successful you will be invited to an interview with a committee member from the respective branch. The interviews are 15-20 minutes long and are focused on establishing whether you have the interpersonal skills tutoring requires, share our core values and are suited to working with children. A full guide to the interview can be found in 'Key documents' within our recruitment portal. ​
  • Child Safety
    Throughout the application process we will be assessing your suitability to work with children. We do this both through external checks, such as a DBS check, and through the questions we ask during the application process. We are not looking for knowledge of child safety law – we provide compulsory training on this. As part of our recruitment process everyone who is successful with the interview must get an enhanced DBS check. The DBS check is free, the branch you apply for will inform you about how to complete the DBS. For queries about what information you will need to provide please see the site on DBS checks. Once you receive your DBS certificate you will need to share it with the Tutor Liaison Officer for the respective branch. In addition, you will need to enrol with the DBS update service, this is because we re-review everyone’s DBS checks every two years. Please note that there is a different process for checking convictions for anyone who has lived abroad for more three months over the last 5 years. ​ If you are already enrolled with the DBS update service let the branch Recruitment Officer know, as you will not need a new DBS check. The Recruitment Officer will help you through the process. ​ All policies mentioned can be found in the 'Key documents section' of our recruitment portal.
  • Training and support
    As part of the recruitment process we provide training to all new volunteers. There are two components; 1) Externally provided child safety training and 2) Students4Students internal tutor training. The child safety training covers the basics of existing legislation and best practice, it is then complimented with Students4Student’s own child safety policies. The focus of the internal training is on our Goal Setting Methodology, the practicalities of tutoring and also the key policies you need to be aware of. By the end of the two sessions you will be ready to start tutoring! ​ The support we provide doesn’t stop with training, there are also regular support sessions throughout each term organised by each branch as well as additional training available. Students4Students is continually improving the support we offer to our volunteers and each branch will provide support beyond the minimum level which is set nationally. For more information on the support a branch provides please contact the Tutor Liaison Officer for the respective branch.
  • Being assigned a pupil and starting at a school
    Once we have seen your DBS and you have attended training, based on your availability and preference for subject, you will be assigned a school. This school will be where you will tutor for the duration of the term – and also for subsequent terms unless scheduling prevents this. Within that school you will be assigned two pupils (or one if the school has opted to have one hour sessions) who you will work with each week. ​ When you first visit the school you will be given a short briefing about the school, their child safety procedures and the focus areas for the pupil(s) you will working with. You may also meet the pupil in this first visit, but this is dependent upon when the school can fit this initial briefing session in; often it has to be after school hours. Once you have had this briefing tutoring can commence and you will be given the exact time for when your tutoring session will take place.
  • Planning and delivering tutoring sessions
    Being prepared for tutoring sessions is critical to making them a success but planning can be daunting; so Students4Students has made it as easy as possible for you to prepare and then deliver the tutoring sessions. We provide a clear framework for how the sessions should be planned, including templates for session plans and how to break larger topics up into manageable chunks. We provide detailed training on the goal setting framework we use to underpin the planning and delivery of training. ​ Whilst we do provide a framework for how to plan sessions, we do not provide prescriptive teaching methods; this is because each child we work with has different learning needs and we believe that using one prescriptive method will not suit all of the pupils we work with. We will provide all the necessary resources in order for you to choose from a range of different methods. It is therefore up to you, the tutor, to decide how you want to teach a specific topic based upon what works well with your pupil.
  • Joining the Students4Students community
    Whilst tutoring is at the core of what we do, Students4Students is about so much more than just that. We are made up of communities of young people who are committed to supporting children in their local area. We are always looking for new ways we can support the children we work with and how we can better support the local communities within which we operate. By joining your local branch, you are joining this community and are committing to helping make change not only within the school at which you will be assigned but also the wider local community and Students4Students. ​ Students4Students is not one homogeneous organisation each branch has their own different culture and operates in a slightly different way in order to fit with their local communities’ needs. This enables greater innovation, more scope for volunteers to shape what we do and a more adaptable organisation as a whole. As a volunteer you will have numerous opportunities to get involved in wider Students4Students activities alongside your tutoring. ​ If you share our values and have a desire to make change in your local community then Students4Students is for you.

Futher support

If your family are facing other difficulties beyond learning from home, there are lots of professional organisations who are here to help. You can get in touch with many of them directly by phone or message to receive emotional or practical advice and support.

Become a tutor

Your time is valuable, use it to maximum effect with Students4Students

Support us

Make a donation, sponsor us, or even donate your time. Every little helps. 

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